March 10, 2021
Ravana Nadi Pariksha To Strengthen Immunity
Ravana Nadi Pariksha is a powerful diagnostic tool used by Siddhas to read a person’s vibratory frequency of body, mind, and soul. These frequencies are expressed through doshas in various organs, tissues, chakras as well as Prakruti and Vikruti. A well-trained Nadi Vaidya can read the state of health of 12 organs, tissues and their functional efficiency in the form
March 9, 2021
Ayurveda For Weight Loss
Ayurveda For Weight Loss (Ayurvedic Tips For Weight Loss) Ayurvedic Tips For Weight Loss Weight loss is not a program that happens automatically. It does not also happen out of your wish to lose weight. There is a systematic, scientific effort to make it happen. It is not difficult to lose weight if you follow the scientific process that is
February 22, 2021
8 Facts You Must Know About Ayurveda
Ayurveda Myths and Facts Ayurveda is the oldest system of medicine but it is still struggling to achieve the faith of patients as there are several myths and misconceptions prevalent among them related to Ayurveda. Let’s check 8 Facts You Must Know About Ayurveda Why is this so? If you transfer a vessel completely filled with water from one person
October 23, 2020
How To Avoid Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
8 Facts You Must Know About Ayurveda…bring balance in your mind and emotions to help overcome Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Thousands of years back, our rishis have established the fact that only a balanced mind can bring health and harmony in the body. Science of Ayurveda has related certain organs with emotions and also mentioned that our body has its
July 21, 2020
Fibroadenoma Breast: Ayurveda Can Definitely Help!
Fibroadenoma breast is a lump in the breast which is unstable and moving when you touch it. This condition is not usually painful but in some cases, they may feel tender or even painful, particularly just before a menstrual cycle. Simple fibroadenoma are about 1-3 cm in size and don’t increase the risk of developing breast cancer in the future.
July 21, 2020
Protein Rich Diet Do’s And Don’ts
5 healthy ways to consume protein rich diet. Everyone knows the importance of including protein rich foods in their daily diet. What we are not made aware of by nutritionist and even clinicians is the wrong approach towards this powerful nutrient. We roughly require 0.8 gm of proteins per kilogram of our body weight. But do we require as much
July 21, 2020
5 Best Ways to Avoid Eating With Emotions.
Best Ways to Avoid Eating With Emotions – Are you eating with emotions? Do you know that consuming your food with negative emotions can lead to poor absorption of nutrients and can lead to metabolic disorders? Let me explain how ? Āyurveda says that food is a source of energy. All human beings are deeply connected with food. The food
Healthy Intestines for Healthy Mind and Body. Intestines are the largest and the longest organ in our gut. It’s divided into two parts, namely large intestine and small intestine. Even though the small intestine is called ‘small’, it’s actually longer than the large intestine. The major functions of the small intestines are assimilation of food and absorption of the nutrients.