Nadi Pariksha

Nadi Pariksha At Vedang Clinic By Ayurvedic Dr. Rushalli Nair

Nadi Pariksha
(Ayurvedic Pulse Diagnosis)

Nadi Pariksha


Nadi Pariksha is a diagnostic tool to understand the psycho-physiological energy patterns in the body.

This information when related to the mind-body activity translates to the following information;

  • The existing bio-rhythm in the body called ‘Vikruti’
  • The original vibratory frequency called ‘Prakruti’, otherwise known as the ‘Original Constitution’.
  • The effects of the changing thought and emotional patterns which affect the body and their symptoms.
  • The state of the health of organs and their functional efficiency in the form of their energy.
  • The state of the health of the metabolic activity in the body as well as in the 7 tissues in the body such as Plasma, Blood, Muscle, Fat, Bone, Nerves as well as Reproductive
  • The health of the psychic centres of energy, or Chakras and their subtle causative effects on the body
  • The expression of ailments in the body and the cause of these ailment.

Do’s and Don’ts for Nadi Pariksha

  • Nadi Pariksha is performed on an empty stomach. You cannot have a bath or consume any food or beverage except ordinary water.
  • Nadi Pariksha is done between 7.30 am till 10.30 am
  • Yoga, Exercise or any other form of physical activity including walking and Pranayamas cannot be performed.
  • Please refrain from consuming Alcohol or smoking at least 48 hours before the Nadi Pariksha.
  • For ladies, If you are going through your monthly ovulation cycle, Nadi Pariksha can be done only 2 days after the complete cycle is over.
  • Remove your Nail polish from your nails to facilitate checking of nails to complete diagnosis.
  • If there is any other form of medication you are undergoing currently, please inform me well in advance before your date for Nadi Pariksha so that you can be suitably advised and will have time to consult your doctor for the same.
  • If you are consuming Steroids or Antibiotics, refrain from doing so 48 hours before the Nadi Pariksha. You may want to consult your doctor for this.
  • If you are undergoing Chemo-Therapy, then you will have to wait for the Nadi Pariksha to be performed on you only after 20 days.
  • In case of Dialysis, Nadi Pariksha can be performed only a week after the Dialysis, if it’s only 1 dialysis per week; or after 15 days if more than one dialysis is being done per week. Also, it will depend on the age and current health of the patient.

After Nadi Pariksha, you will get the following

Nadi Pariksha

  • A total analysis of your ailment starting from the cause, the health of organs, the symptoms and their expressions is mentioned.
  • Consultation lasts up to 1 hour
  • Lifestyle plan
  • Diet Plan
  • Right food combination with do’s & don’ts
  • Prescription

Nadi Pariksha Frequently Asked Questions

Nadi Pariksha At Vedang Clinic By Ayurvedic Dr. Rushalli Nair

What is Nadi Pariksha?

Nadi means pulse and Pariksha means examination or diagnosis. Hence, Nadi Pariksha means pulse diagnosis. Nadi Pariksha is nature’s diagnostic tool accurately designed for every person.

Nadi Pariksha reveals the psychophysiological state of our being. Every psychosomatic reaction in the body is mapped through Nadi Pariksha. The flow of consciousness or the influence of the mind and the body’s response to it is depicted in Nadi Pariksha.

Diagnosis happens at the level of cellular intelligence. It is mapped upwards there on towards the ailments you are currently suffering. So it is extremely important that you do not influence the Nadi Vaidya beforehand with your understanding of suffering or with pathological reports.

An accurate diagnosis of your mental and emotional states is first described. Later on a complete description of your psychological, physiological and pathological states are revealed. The diagnosis is slow, revealing to you, about you, layer by layer. The experience is profound.

If you are searching for a reference of names of ailments to match your pathological report, you may be disappointed. This is not an exercise to confirm the findings in a pathological report. If that is your motive, do not waste your time. Nadi Pariksha digs into your whole existence and brings out the truth about your life you have led so far.

The findings also reveal the kind of treatment and therapies you require to heal. A clear healing programme is drawn out for you to heal you from the root of your problems.

What is the significance of Nadi Pariksha in Ayurveda?

Nadi Pariksha is one of the eight fold examinations (known as Ashtavidhi Pariksha) which are mentioned in the classical texts of Ayurveda, to establish the diagnosis of the patient’s symptoms. In Nadi Pariksha procedure, a vaidya (Ayurveda Doctor) is also supposed to take up the rest of the seven forms of examination which include the examination of nails, eyes, stools, urine, tongue, speech, skin; before concluding the final diagnosis. This helps him/her to decide the perfect line of treatments which may include herbal supplements, pranayama, Panchakarma and Vedic counsellings.

Ayurveda has used the clinical art of reading pulse since ages to assess Prakruti (original constitution), Vikruti (altered state of Prakruti due to various reasons), doshic disorders and prognosis of disease. Ayurveda is the science which imparts you with the knowledge of integrating your living with nature. It is a preventive science that helps us to live healthy and teaches you how to not fall sick. Its aims and objectives are to maintain the perfect health of a healthy person through prevention and to cure the disease process in an unhealthy person through proper diet, lifestyle, Panchakarma and rejuvenation. For this purpose we need a basic understanding of pulse.

How accurate is Nadi Pariksha?

The accuracy of the pulse reading depends on the intuitive awareness of vaidya (Ayurveda Doctor) and also the ability to understand and interpret the subtlety of vibrations. This sensitive awareness determines the success of Nadi Pariksha.

How does Nadi Pariksha work?

During the Nadi Pariksha a person need not have to specify his or her problems in advance. The Nadi Vaidya is not supposed to know the details in advance as he should not get influenced by the patients symptoms. Though the symptoms reveal the disease process, it is the cause of the prevailing or persisting symptoms that are more important. Each cell in our body possesses its own intelligence. It is the communication of this intelligence in the form of vibrations that is studied in Nadi Pariksha. Nadi Pariksha understands the vibratory frequency of the pulse at various levels on the radial artery.

Subtle vibrations are read at seven different levels vertically downwards that helps in a certain various functions in the body. The pulse, when examined reveals both physical and mental characteristics of the pulse. This is interpreted in the form of symptoms along with their prognosis which helps in understanding the cause. Thus, the Nadi Pariksha forms the basis for addressing any ailment in an individual.

How to do Nadi Pariksha?

As we have mentioned before, Nadi Pariksha is done or performed on the radial pulse of the patient because it is the most convenient to read and is readily available than other pulse sites. For ladies, left hand radial pulse is chosen to read Nadi and for gentlemen, right hand radial pulse is read.

What is so unique about Nadi Pariksha at Vedang Clinic?

At Vedang Clinic, Dr. Rushalli Nair practices Ravana Nadi Pariksha which is the most unique way of practising Nadi Pariksha. She has learned this art from a strict guru-shishya parampara (lineage) where the knowledge is passed on to the shishya with certain disciplines along with spiritual practices.

Ravana Nadi Pariksha is the only diagnostic tool that can completely reveal your cosmic design. It is pure medical astrology. Ravana Nadi also helps to understand the reason of your existence in this world, the purpose for which you were born and the resonance of your journey with your purpose.

The revelations help you in aligning your life purpose and your actions thereby bringing harmony in your being. The ailments and diseases can be simultaneously treated. You need to heal from within. This is true healing. Happiness and Sadness are two opposite poles of the mind. The Idea is to go beyond. The ultimate aim is to be in Joy, in pure existence. Every action should define your purpose. Every moment should be divinely guided. That should be your goal. Ravana Nadi Pariksha is your answer.

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