8 Facts You Must Know About Ayurveda…bring balance in your mind and emotions to help overcome Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Thousands of years back, our rishis have established the fact that only a balanced mind can bring health and harmony in the body. Science of Ayurveda has related certain organs with emotions and also mentioned that our body has its own intelligence. Even the modern medical science have proven that our gut is our second brain!

Ayurveda recognises Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) as Grahani or Sangrahani. It is a psychosomatic, lifestyle disorder marked by classical symptoms like loose motions and constipation, loss of appetite. Weight loss may or may not occur and is related to the constitution of the patient. Although known as a chronic disorder, it is observed in young people; as young as 25 years of age. It is also proven to be reactive to heightened emotions like fear, low self esteem, anger. The trigger of the symptoms can also be severe anxiety, or deep seated fear along with wrong food habits and lifestyle.

Factors causing Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) largely happens because of nursing emotional turbulence from within and not giving desired expressions. The body suffers from consequence of these agitated expressions which manifest in the form of unhealthy acids released into the small intestines.

As a majority of these emotions manifest in the abdominal region; as a psychosomatic expression, a mixture of acids ( Ranjaka pitta ) agitate the tender walls of the intestines and consume the secondary mucosa. The intestines become sensitive to certain foods which are harsh and incompatible to the person’s current constitution ( vikruti )

What will worsen your Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) symptoms?

  1. Wrong food combinations
  2. Frequent attacks of diarrhoea
  3. Eating in anxiety, watching TV or using mobile while having food
  4. Sleeping or lying down immediately after food
  5. Late dinners (after 7.30pm) and sleeping late (after 10pm)

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Dangers to health:

  1. Malnutrition
  2. Malabsorption
  3. Low immunity
  4. Fatigue
  5. Lack of confidence
  6. Lack of concentration

How to manage Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?

What the patient does not understand is a lack of clarity in his mindset. Through active counselling and soothing therapies, a patient is able to establish harmony within himself and hence, his immediate environment is restored. Through correctly-advised diet and changes in lifestyle, an individual can be weened out of irritable bowels and normal health can be achieved successfully.

Successful management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and complete healing can only happen with the patient’s active involvement in his own healing, application of sound principles and timely intervention as prescribed in ayurvedic experts.

Treatment and Therapies for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

8 Facts You Must Know About Ayurveda
We have many successful stories of managing IBS cases in our clinic since past 12 years. It’s is clinically proven that Panchakarma therapies play an important role in healing of IBS. Specially, powerful therapies like shirodhara, nasyam help in bringing balance in emotions and restoring mental peace. The course, duration and choice of medicated oils are finalised only after Nadi Pariksha. This can tap client’s unique Prakruti (physical constitution), his/her mental constitution, and the effects of changing thought and emotional pattern which effect the body.

In some cases, we have to also introduce certain herbs to settle acute symptoms like diarrhoea or pain in abdomen.

Pranayama along with Vedic counselling sessions for the behavioural modifications are also given along with Panchakarma to establish the healing effects of Panchakarma for a very long time.

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