Nadi Pariksha: The great diagnostic tool that everyone must take.

In the world of holistic health, Nadi Pariksha is a powerful tool. Many people are curious about what this ancient practice reveals. Let’s explore the details of Nadi Pariksha, uncover its secrets and share insights that go beyond the usual understanding. Join us on a journey where ancient meets modern and Nadi Pariksha whispers wisdom for holistic well being

The details of what all are revealed during Nadi Pariksha is mentioned below:

  1. Every aspect of the human organism, the Body, Mind etc. is understood during the Pulse Diagnosis.
  2. Apart from understanding the Cause of the current ailments, the Diagnosis tracks the disease back to its origin. Even subtler levels of causal factors like emotional issues or specific thought patterns of the individual, that manifest into physical ailments subsequently are understood.

Nadi Pariksha is undertaken to understand the following aspects of an individual:

  1. Helps to ascertain “One’s Original Constitution at the time of Conception” (Prakruti). This forms the basis of deciding the basis and structure of the individualized Healing process.
  2. Helps to understand “One’s Current Constitution as against the Original Constitution” (Vikruti). The diagnosis ascertains the deviation that the body and mind have taken as compared to its original constitution. Also, it enables one to understand the prognosis of ailments that have arisen during this transition from Prakruti to Vikruti.
  3. Nadi Pariksha successfully tracks down the altered state of the mind. This is very important as the science of Ayurveda believes that a major part of human ailments are psychosomatic. This is so because the only way the Mind can express itself is through the body. Therefore, the body works to a very large extent according to the dictates of the mind.
  4. The analysis of the Doshas, the subtle entities of the psycho–physiological body. Any alteration in the Doshas can lead to the understanding of the disease process. The doshas like Vata, Pitta & Kapha and their sub-units help in understanding:
    • The movement of energies and the working of the nervous system, circulation as defined by the pulsation of the heart, and the movement of nutrition to various tissues in the body.
    • The metabolic process and the process of bio-transformation in the body govern the activities of Digestion, Absorption & Assimilation of Nutrition.
    • The assimilating and binding functions through the help of bodily fluids, which includes the Proper and Healthy formation of Muscles, Bones, Ligaments and Tendons etc.
  5. The study of the health of various types of tissues in the body like Plasma, Blood, Muscle, Marrow, Bone, Nerve and reproduction.
  6. The health of the Chakras or the subtle energy wheels in the body that correspond to the glands in the physical body is ascertained. Chakras relate to and control certain physiological processes in the body.

After doing the Nadi Pariksha, other forms of examination are taken up. This is done to cross-examine the correctness of the Pulse Diagnosis. These various methods are highlighted as under:

  • NAILS The shape and size of nails reveal the type of constitution a person belongs to. For example, small nails with serrated edges (bitten by a person due to anxiety or nervousness signify a Vata nail.  Pitta’s nails are slightly larger with a slight curvature in the middle that resembles a semi “D” shape.  These nails when pressed at the top will reveal a slight yellow tinge in the centre. A Kapha nail is usually large.  These nails normally will be whitish. The surface of the nail is usually large.

Indications: Vata nails have vertical lines that look like deep serrations or ridges. Pitta nails, apart from having vertical ridges (not always necessary) can also have reddish lines along these ridges starting from the bottom of the nail and running towards the top. Kapha nails may have a larger curvature in the centre owing to the larger surface area.

  •  TONGUE – The tongue reveals all the organs of the body and particularly reveals the aspects of Digestion and Assimilation of food. It reveals the kind of digestive disorders and which of the 3 doshas were responsible or are in a state of imbalance. the type of ailment is also revealed.

Indications: Vata when aggravated shows a cracked and rough tongue. Pitta when aggravated shows a reddish tongue and Kapha when aggravated shows a whitish slimy mucus coatin on the tongue. The tongue also reveals the physiological problems present in other parts of the body but this is a very lengthy subject and cannot be discussed in detail here.

  • EYES – The shape of the eyes reveals the nature of the person’s original constitution. Also on examination, the eyes reveal what is the nature of the ailment and the doshas responsible for it.

Indications: A person suffering from a Vata disorder will have a brownish colouration in the eyes. There will be dryness felt in the eyes too. A Pitta condition will reveal redness of yellowish colouring in the eyes. A Kapha condition will show denseness or cloudy vision along with whitish marks in the eyes.

  •  SPEECH – The strength of the voice and the intonations while talking reveal the predominant dosha present in the person at the time of examination. Also, talking, gesticulations or emphasis during communication shows the predominant dosha at the time of analysis. This also reveals the nature of symptoms present in the body and the cause.

Indications: A Vata person will talk fast and will change subjects without relevance or context. Breathing will be erratic and gesticulations will be predominant. A Pitta person will speak in a loud,  strong tone which will display dominance which can be easily mistaken for arrogance. The conviction in the speech will be evident. A Kapha person will be mild, soft and musical in his speech. He will slow in his expressions and will not rush in his conversation.

  • SKIN – The feel and texture of the skin reveal the kind of dosha present. The temperature of the skin reveals the presence of either Vata, Pitta or Kapha in circulation. The pigmentation on the skin reveals the kind of toxins in the blood.

Indications: A Vata skin is dry with scales or flaking. It will be cold to the touch. It can also have a darkish colouration. A Pitta person will have oily skin, with possible inflammation under the skin which will be denoted by redish patches. It will be hot to the touch. Normally a pitta person will have skin which will be hot to the touch. A Kapha person will have a cold and damp feeling to touch. It is either milkily white or pale.

  • URINE – The colour, nature, frequency and content in the urine determine the nature of ailment in the body. The frequency and the volume of urination reveal the intensity of the ailment.

Indications: A Vata person will experience scanty urination or infrequent urination. The quantity of urine will also vary. The urgency to urinate will not justify the quantity of urine coming out.  The urine will be astringent in smell. A Pitta person will have hot urine coming out and in a better volume. Normally, when the Pitta dosha is aggravated, frequent, irritant urination will persist.  Urine will either be Dark yellow to yellow to reddish. The urine will have a strong and pungent smell. A Kapha person will have a large volume of urination. The colour of urine will be whitish and can be frothy.

  • STOOLS – The formation and colour of stool show the nature of the ailment. Also, the number of evacuations or lack of evacuation like constipation for example provides information on both the emotional levels of the individual as well as the working of the physiological of the body. Even the smell in the breath, when a person is talking, reveals the kind of toxins present in the large intestine and the predominant dosha imbalance which has caused these toxins to manifest.


Indications: A Vata person will have varying stool formation. He will experience lots of gas and distention in the abdomen. Normally, stools will be hard and the person will feel constipated. The colour of the stools will vary from dark brown to black. The stools will normally float.

A pitta person will have well-formed stools to loose stools. The colour of the stools will vary from brown to light brown. Especially when the pitta dosha is aggravated, the stool’s colour will be yellowish and can vary between semi-formed to loose stools. He can also experience burning in his rectum while passing stools. Occasional mucus formation will also be present. A Kapha person will have a large volume in his stools. There will be mucus present in stools. The colour of the stools will be between brown to yellow.

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